Friedman, Menschenhandel, Prostitution und Drogen:
Gemäß dem US-Journalisten Christopher Bollyn (Friedman site: - Google Search) waren die "russischen Nymphen" die sich Friedmann über die sog. Russenmafia hat zuführen lassen gerade mal 14 Jahre alt. Die Kinder soll Friedmann zum Kokainkonsum angehalten haben.
Ausweisung von mutmaßlichem Mafia-Mitglied
Marlies Emmerich
Das vor knapp zwei Wochen verhaftete mutmaßliche ranghohe Mitglied einer weitverzweigten Russenmafia, Michail R., wird voraussichtlich an die spanische Justiz ausgeliefert. Nachdem das Kammergericht zugestimmt hat, steht dem nichts mehr im Weg. Laut Staatsanwaltschaft wird normalerweise innerhalb von 60 Tagen ausgewiesen. Derzeit würde der Beschuldigte noch, wie allgemein üblich, angehört. Gegen den 55-Jährigen war ein internationaler Haftbefehl wegen Geldwäsche, Urkundenfälschung und Unterstützung einer kriminellen Vereinigung ausgestellt worden. Weiteren zwanzig Männern werden von der spanischen Justiz Mord, Erpressung und Waffenhandel vorgeworfen.
Nach Erkenntnissen von Ermittlern zählt Michael R. zu den maßgeblichen Mitgliedern der Mafiaorganisation "Tambowskaja-Malischewskaja". Im Krankenhaus der Untersuchungshaftanstalt Moabit war zuletzt geprüft worden, ob R. wegen eines Herzinfarktes ausgeliefert werden kann. Der Mann lebt seit Ende der 70er-Jahre in Berlin.
Entsetzen hatte der Fall bei der Jüdischen Gemeinde ausgelöst. Über eine von ihm gegründete Wahlliste war der 55-Jährige vor Jahren in das 21-köpfige Gemeindeparlament gewählt worden. Alexander Brenner, damals Gemeindechef, ahnte nichts von den kriminellen Machenschaften. Ein am 21. Juni in der Berliner Zeitung veröffentlichtes Foto zeigte Brenner mit R. Zwischen Brenner und den kriminellen Handlungen des Verdächtigen gibt es aber keinerlei Verbindung. (mm.)
Natürlich... niemand hat was gewusst... alles klar...
Auftragsmorde und Waffenhandel
Im November 2000 haben mutmaßliche Mitglieder der Russen-Mafia einen russischen Autohändler in seiner Wohnung in Schöneberg gefesselt und erschlagen. Die Polizei konnte den Fall aber nicht lösen. Ein russisch sprechender Täter war von Zeugen gemeldet worden.
Im November 2002 wurde ein Anschlag auf ein Nagelstudio in Schöneberg verübt. Die Sprengfalle galt einer ukrainischen Prostituierten, die in dem Studio war. Die Frau blieb unverletzt.
Zwei Monate später wurde die Ukrainerin dann mit Kopfschüssen getötet. Die Polizei ging davon aus, dass die Täter zu einer russischen Bande gehörten.
Im Juni 2008 war ein mutmaßliches Mitglied der Mafia-Organisation Tambowska-Malyschewskaja in Berlin im Zusammenhang mit einer Großrazzia der spanischen Polizei verhaftet worden.
Den Mafia-Mitgliedern, die überwiegend aus Moskau und St. Petersburg stammen, werden Auftragsmorde, Waffenschmuggel, Erpressung, Geldwäsche und Bestechung vorgeworfen.
Die Organisation gehört laut spanischem Innenministerium zu den vier bedeutendsten russischen Verbrechersyndikaten der Welt.
Bei rund hundert Banken sollen 14 Millionen Euro eingefroren worden sein. Dem Mann aus Berlin werden von spanischen Sicherheitsbehörden Geldwäsche, Unterstützung einer kriminellen Vereinigung sowie Urkundendelikte zur Last gelegt.
Die Berliner Behörden haben den Mann inzwischen nach Spanien ausgeliefert.
Polizei verhaftet führendes Mitglied der Russenmafia
Samstag, 21. Juni 2008 17:25 - Von Michael Behrendt
Berlins Polizei hat ein mutmaßliches Mitglied der Russen-Mafia festgenommen. Der Mann soll nicht nur Mitglied, sondern einer der Köpfe einer Bande sein, der Auftragsmorde, Waffenschmuggel, Geldwäscherei und Bestechung vorgeworfen werden.
Bei dem 55-jährigen in Berlin lebenden Michael R. soll es sich um ein führendes Mitglied der aus St. Petersburg stammenden und international agierenden kriminellen Organisation handeln. Die spanischen Behörden hatten einen internationalen Haftbefehl wegen Geldwäsche, Urkundenfälschung und Unterstützung einer kriminellen Vereinigung ausgestellt.
Rückblick: Am 13. Juni hatten spanische Sicherheitsbehörden mit der Operation „Troika“ einen empfindlichen Schlag gegen die russische Mafia geführt, seitdem wurden insgesamt 25 Personen gestellt. Der mutmaßliche Chef der Bande, der enge Kontakte zu Politikern gehabt haben soll, kam in den 90er-Jahren nach Mallorca und soll dort mit Geldern des Geheimdienstes KGB (heute FSB) ein Hotel gekauft haben.
Polizei verhaftet in Berlin Mitglied der Mafia
In den folgenden Jahren sollen die Mitglieder mit Waffen und Rauschgift gehandelt haben. Ferner werden ihnen Menschenhandel, Morde, Körperverletzung auf Bestellung sowie Kobaltschmuggel vorgeworfen. Mehrere Anführer der Mafia-Organisation „Tambowskaja-Malyschewskaja“ sollen sich erst kürzlich in Berlin getroffen haben. Auch Michael R. soll eine dieser Führungsrollen innegehabt haben. Staatsanwaltssprecher Michael Grunwald bestätigte die Vollstreckung des Haftbefehls, der 55-Jährige sei „in verantwortlicher Stelle“ in der Organisation. Auf mehr als 100 Bankkonten sollen 14 Millionen Euro eingefroren worden sein.
Seit 15 Jahren wohnt R. laut Informationen der Berliner Morgenpost in Berlin, in Charlottenburg hat er eine Einzimmer-Wohnung angemietet, die er zeitweise als Büro genutzt haben soll. Der Mann ist mit einer Bankangestellten verheiratet. Früher betrieb er ein Antiquitäten-Geschäft, später eröffnete er ein Restaurant in der Hauptstadt, das er vor einem halbem Jahr abgegeben haben soll. Anwohner in Charlottenburg berichteten am Sonnabend, dass sie sich über die häufig vor dem Sozialbau abgestellten teuren Fahrzeuge von Mietwagenfirmen gewundert hätten. Ob sich der Verdächtige bereits zu den Vorhaltungen geäußert hat, ist noch unklar. Laut Michael Grunwald, Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft, werde das Berliner Kammergericht "so bald wie möglich" über die Auslieferungshaft entscheiden.
Ein Berliner Kriminalbeamter wertet die Aktion der spanischen Kollegen als "herben Rückschlag" für die Russenmafia. Die beschlagnahmten Gelder würde die Organisation nicht so sehr treffen wie die jetzt bekannt gewordenen Geschäftswege und die Geldtransfers. "Dennoch ist es bei diesen kriminellen Vereinigungen wie bei einer Hydra – schlägst Du einen Kopf ab, dann kommt der nächste." Man könne immer wieder den Druck erhöhen, auf Dauer besiegt oder verdrängt werde die Mafia allerdings niemals.
Berlin ist ein Zentrum der russischen Mafia
Der Chefermittler für organisierte Kriminalität bei der Polizei glaubt, dass die Lage der Stadt zwischen Ost und West sehr attraktiv für Kriminelle ist.
Sabine Deckwerth
Berlin ist neben London und New York eines der drei Zentren der russischen Mafia. Diese Einschätzung trifft der Leiter der Abteilung Organisierte Kriminalität des Landeskriminalamtes, Bernd Finger. Dabei sei Berlin keine direkte Funktionsebene, sondern eine Art Stützpunkt - eine Zwischenplattform zwischen Europa und dem restlichen Ausland. "Wir sind nicht das Zentrum der organisierten Kriminalität sondern erste Anlaufstelle hinter dem ehemaligen eisernen Vorhang", sagte Finger am Freitag. Die organisierte Kriminalität selbst habe eine weltweite Dimension. "Was wir in der Stadt erleben, ist nur regionale Kriminalität, die große internationale Kriminalität findet woanders statt." Über Berlin würden Geldströme geleitet oder größere Transporte, etwa von Drogen und Menschen abgewickelt.
Die Ermittler sprechen nicht von Mafia, sondern von organisierter Kriminalität. Nach Einschätzung des Bundeskriminalamtes (BKA) geht die organisierte Kriminalität in Deutschland generell zurück. Im Jahr 2007 ermittelte die Polizei bundesweit in gut 600 Verfahren gegen knapp 10 400 Tatverdächtige. 2006 waren es 622 Verfahren. Die Schadenssumme betrug 2007 rund 450 Millionen Euro. In Berlin wird in diesem Zusammenhang derzeit gegen rund 1 000 Beschuldigte ermittelt. Mehr als die Hälfte dieser Tatverdächtigen seien Deutsche, sagte Finger. Russische Täter würden einen Anteil von etwa zehn Prozent ausmachen.
Laut Finger ist Berlin für russische Kriminelle attraktiv, weil die Stadt günstig liege. Sie sei nach der ehemaligen Grenze zum Ostblock die erste große Stadt mit westeuropäischem Einfluss und es bestünden "seit jeher sehr gute Kontakte in die Stadt". Die Anonymität der Großstadt mit ihren 3,4 Millionen Einwohnern ermögliche, dass Mitglieder in der Regel unter sich blieben. Zudem könne Diebesgut binnen einer Stunde außer Landes geschafft werden.
Keine Chance
In erster Linie geht es den Tätern der organisierten Kriminalität darum, schnell Geld zu machen und das dann unauffällig in den legalen Kreislauf einfließen zu lassen. Zu den Straftaten der organisierten Kriminalität gehören in erster Linie Geldwäsche, Prostitution, Waffen- und Menschenhandel. Den Diebstahl von Autos betrachten die Ermittler als unterste Stufe. Die Täter gingen dabei nach Bestellung vor, hatte Finger in einem Interview für die Süddeutsche Zeitung gesagt.
Sie würden die Straßen abfahren, "bis sie das gesuchte Fahrzeug finden". Geknackt würden die Autos dann mit Hilfe von hochwertiger Software. "Damit gehen die Fahrzeuge dann genauso auf wie mit unserer Fernbedienung", sagte Finger. Bis zum Kurzschließen sei es dann nur noch ein Klacks. "Lkw fährt vor, Auto drauf, Klappe zu. Und nichts ist mehr zu sehen." Der Bürger habe praktisch keine Chance, wenn sich eine Bande sein Auto erst einmal ausgeguckt habe, sagte Finger.
Die gestohlenen Wagen würden sofort in Werkstätten insbesondere in Brandenburg umfrisiert und auch in Einzelteile zerlegt, wenn es so in der Bestellliste stehe. Dann gehe es weiter zu den Zwischenhändlern, nach Litauen, Polen, Tschechien, Slowenien. Und von dort aus ins Auftragsland, häufig nach Russland oder auch in den asiatischen Raum. Dabei, so Finger, würden sich Kriminelle aus Osteuropa gern einfachster Helfer bedienen, die sich aus der Not heraus bereit erklären, Handlanger der kriminellen Organisationen zu werden. In Berlin würden solche Helfer Einbrüche, Diebstähle und Überfälle begehen und dafür nur karg entlohnt. Die eigentliche Beute gehe an die Organisationen und von dort aus in die weltweite Verteilung.
"Es gibt eine Globalisierung der organisieren Kriminalität", sagte Finger. Die 14 Fahnder der speziellen Ermittlungsgruppe "organisierte Kriminalität" bei der Berliner Polizei würden deshalb eng mit Europol oder Interpol zusammen arbeiten. "Wir hätten sonst keine Chance, das Problem in den Griff zu kriegen. Aber so schwer wie es ist, es gelingt uns immer besser."
"Es scheint politisch nicht gewünscht, mehr zu tun"
GdP-Chef Eberhard Schönberg Gewerkschaft der Polizei mischt sich in die Debatte um die russische Mafia in Berlin ein
von Martin Klesmann
Die Gewerkschaft der Polizei hat die Landespolitik aufgefordert, die Herausforderungen durch die organisierte Kriminalität und insbesondere durch die russische Mafia in Berlin ernster zu nehmen. "Es scheint derzeit von der Politik gar nicht gewünscht, hier mehr zu tun", sagte GdP-Landeschef Eberhard Schönberg gestern der Berliner Zeitung und verwies auf die aus seiner Sicht mangelhafte Ausstattung der Polizei mit Personal und technischem Gerät.
Schönberg reagierte damit auf die Äußerungen des Berliner Chefermittlers für organisierte Kriminalität, Bernd Finger. Der Leiter der Abteilung Organisierte Kriminalität beim Landeskriminalamt (LKA) hatte gewarnt, dass die deutsche Hauptstadt inzwischen neben London und New York eines der drei Zentren der russischen Mafia sei.
GdP-Chef Schönberg geht davon aus, dass viele russische Geschäftsleute in Berlin von Mitgliedern der russischen Mafia um Schutzgeld erpresst werden. "Wir sind nicht in einem Gangsterfilm aus Chicago, aber so etwas passiert viel häufiger, als es bekannt wird, und ist für die organisierte Kriminalität ein einträgliches Geschäft", sagte Schönberg. "Das machen die Beteiligten dann meist unter sich aus." Schönberg geht davon aus, dass auch diverse von Berlin aus agierende Unternehmen, die von Russen geleitet werden, konkret mit Geldwäsche zu tun haben. "Auch hier steht die Politik vor einem Problem: Zieht man den Stöpsel, dann ist die Wanne leer", sagte Schönberg. Würde man rigoros gegen solche Unternehmen vorgehen, dann könnten dadurch in Berlin leicht tausend Arbeitsplätze vernichtet werden. "Tatsächlich gibt es ja die Nobelläden am Kudamm, wo die Hälfte der Kunden Russisch spricht und in bar zahlt", sagte Schönberg. Der GdP-Mann verwies auch auf spezielle Beratungen, die das Landeskriminalamt für Wirtschaftsmanager und Politiker anbiete. Dabei gehe es darum, sich nicht von der organisierten Kriminalität vereinnahmen zu lassen.
Innensenator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) mahnte indes angesichts der Äußerungen seines Chefermittlers zur Besonnenheit. "Man sieht daran, wie wichtig gerade bei der organisierten Kriminalität die internationale Kooperation ist", sagte Körting gestern. Und was die internationale Kooperation angehe, sei Berlin "gut aufgestellt". Tatsächlich hatte LKA-Abteilungsleiter Finger Berlin als Logistikzentrum der weltweit agierenden russischen Mafia dargestellt. Geld aus illegalen Geschäften werde über Berlin weitergeleitet.
In Berlin ist vor allem die regionale Form der organisierten Kriminalität auffällig. Dabei gehe es vor allem um Menschenhandel und Autodiebstahl. Dies sei kein neues Phänomen, allerdings komme es hier nur selten zur Anklage, bedauerte Schönberg. "Leider waren nur wenige Frauen, die in Deutschland zur Prostitution gezwungen wurden, bisher zu Aussagen bereit." Porsche und BMW begehrt Ansonsten habe sich die organisierte Kriminalität in Berlin auf den Diebstahl von Luxusautos spezialisiert. Begehrt sind der BMW X5 und der Porsche Cayenne. "Diese Autos werden ausgeguckt und auf detaillierte Bestellung hin gestohlen", sagte Schönberg. Dazu würden Kopien der elektronischen Türöffner eingesetzt, mitunter beschafften sich die Diebe die Autoschlüssel durch einen Wohnungseinbruch. Schönberg monierte, dass die Polizei DNA-Spuren nicht immer schnell genug abgleichen könne.
Berliner Zeitung, 02.11.2008
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The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion
by M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.
While the FBI and major media obsess about the Sicilian Mafia (the “Cosa Nostra”) a far more powerful and sinister force is in existence that has controlled most of the globe’s organized crime for at least two decades—the Jewish mafia from Russia (a “Kosher Nostra”). Yet there is not even a desk at the FBI for their crimes, which dwarf those of the Italian gangsters in scope, violence and depth.
Alexander LebedOn April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene. Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy. Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance—based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region.
Had he succeeded, world history could have changed, and the 21st century would look very different. Prior to that, dozens of anti-Zionists in Russia had been murdered by car bombs or other devices, while none of the cases was ever solved. Only a handful was even investigated.
The very fact that the Jewish mafia (often misnamed the “Russian” mafia) was capable of completely covering its tracks, being completely left out of all news reports surrounding the incident, while the common people (in Russia) were utterly convinced of their complicity, proves the immense strength of this rather new movement of organized crime. The Jewish mafia is nothing like their Irish or Italian predecessors in its American or European operations. They are richer, more international in scope and far more violent and ruthless. They kill children. They kill policemen and their families. They kill whomever they like.
There has been nothing like it before in the history of the globe. And they are just getting started.
The investigative stories of Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002) appeared from the early 1980s. Allegedly, he died of a tropical blood disease. But many had their doubts and believed he was poisoned. The daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless. The ADL maligned him, death threats poured in, and he was badly beaten by West Bank thugs. Friedman warned the FBI of the threat posed by the first World Trade Center bombers and delivered vital reports on the long arms of the Russian Jewish mafia, which offered $100,000 to have him killed.
The major figure in uncovering the web of secrecy that surrounds the Jewish mafia was a journalist named Robert I. Friedman, who died at an early age from a “tropical disease.” He has interviewed the major figures in this underground and has uncovered their hiding spots and plans. After his book on the subject was published, major mafia leaders put a bounty on his head. The “Russian” mafia knows that it can kill with impunity, and, given their cozy relationship with European and American intelligence agencies, their immunity from real prosecution will only get more pronounced.
Friedman’s work is breathtaking in scope, and this essay will cite him extensively, especially his book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. Friedman is not afraid to state the obvious, namely, that the entire “Russian” mafia is Jewish, without exception, and that they have used this as a shield to deflect criticism. This shield has permitted them to grow and prosper. Further, Friedman is also not afraid to admit that Jewish organizations throughout the world, led by the Anti-Defamation League, are the beneficiaries of largesse coming from organized crime, and that the organizations in question are aware of it. In other words, Jewish organized crime is considered an acceptable part of Jewish life, and that Jewish organizations have actually lobbied law enforcement to stop investigations into this phenomenon, almost always with success. The confirmation of Zionist Michael Chertoff, to the post as chief of Homeland Security guarantees that Jewish organized crime in America will not be at the receiving end of the many stings that have targeted the Italian Mafia.
The roots of Jewish organized crime, it is said, go far back into tsarist times. Organized crime syndicates assisted Lenin’s gangs in bank robberies and the creation of general mayhem. During the so-called revolution, it was difficult, sometimes impossible, to distinguish between Bolshevik ideologues and Jewish organized crime syndicates. They acted in nearly an identical manner.
However, in more modern times, they seem to have had their roots in the waning days of the stagnant USSR under Leonid Brezhnev. By the late 1970s, the Russian economy was driven by the black market, and the early stages of the Jewish mafia were involved in this black underground. In fact, the Russian socialist economy would have collapsed much sooner if it had not been propped up by the extensive black economy. Soon, the rulers of the black market became so powerful they were able to form their own “people’s courts,” which dispensed “justice” completely apart from the Soviet state, and away from its control. Many of these black marketeers had been recently released from the gulag system of prison camps in an earlier era for their black market activities, and the toughness that was required to survive these dungeons served this new criminal elite very well (Friedman, 9).
The black market acted as a safety valve for the Soviet state for decades, making all estimations of the strength of the Soviet economy subject to speculation. The black market provided many goods and services the overextended Soviet system could not provide. In the gulag, they had formed brotherhoods, much like blacks and Hispanics currently do today in prison. They formed Jewish bunds that, upon release, served to create deep bonds that exist today, maintaining a highly secretive organization almost impossible to deal with or penetrate.
Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson’s famous bill, the JacksonVanick law, linked Soviet trade privileges to the treatment of Soviet Jews. It was a bill lobbied heavily for by American Jewish organizations. And while non-Jews could not emigrate from Russia, Jews could. Quickly, the KGB took this opportunity to dump its hardcore criminals into the United States, many who were Jewish, as conservatives cheered, believing, naively as usual, to have scored a major victory against the USSR. Much of the Jewish mafia’s penetration into the United States came as a result of these Soviet “boatlifts,” which were partially financed by groups such as the ADL or the Hebrew Aid Society. Given the substantial nature of the black market and the Soviet criminal underground, and its exclusively Jewish character, it is difficult to believe that the Jewish groups who were financing the immigration of Russian Jews to America were unaware of the connections of many of the new arrivals. Regardless, much of the money earmarked for immigration to Israel was pocketed by the mafia and redirected to settling Jews in New York—the New Promised Land.
Marat Balagula was one of these. A major Jewish crime figure, he bought a restaurant in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, named it the Odessa (a major port city in Ukraine), and quickly converted it into a central recruiting base for mobsters. It was also closely linked with Zionist agencies in the area, including the women’s group Hadassah, who used the establishment for meetings and fund raising dinners (Friedman, 17). This restaurant also became the seat of real political power in Brooklyn, for in the upstairs part of the establishment, Balagula and other Jewish mobsters would convene the “People’s Courts,” and their word was (and is) law. Ordinary courts in the area could not hope to compete with the mobsters, well protected by powerful Jewish groups within the city and the municipal government itself.
“These courts, controlled by the Jewish mob, were more powerful and acted more quickly than the regular municipal courts of New York City. Balagula had created a state within a state.”
These courts, controlled by the Jewish mob, were more powerful and acted more quickly than the regular municipal courts of New York City. Balagula had created a state within a state. The Italian gangs in New York didn’t know what hit them. Public executions and torturings were common in Brooklyn, and in broad daylight. Often, public murders would happen for the tiniest offenses, or to prove one’s toughness. While the Italians were very cautious and deliberate, the Jewish mob was flamboyant and gratuitously violent.
Yuri Brokhin, another Jewish mobster who had already made a name for himself in America, and Balagula were heavily into stealing diamonds from jewelry stores and replacing them with cheap fakes. At one incident, narrated by Friedman, the pair pulled such a scam in Chicago, and was caught at the airport with $175,000. As it turns out, the duo was seen by a Jewish security guard in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport wearing their phony Hassidic garb on the eve of Yom Kippur, when Jews are strictly forbidden to travel. This sloppiness got them caught. The duo was convicted, but as proof of the power of the Jewish mafia, they both got off without a jail sentence, having committed major grand larceny, among other crimes. Of course, Friedman does not speculate as to why this would be, since a major felony such as this often carried sentences over 20 years. Both Brokhin and Balagula were criminals in the USSR, and were able to transfer their wealth to America via Zionist and “charitable” organizations of Jewry.
A major connection between the halls of American political power and the Jewish mafia is the rabbi Ronald Greenwald. He knowingly did business with con artists and mafia figures, and used his major political connections to shield them. Greenwald was a major player in CREEP, the re-election campaign for Richard Nixon in 1972. Greenwald was used heavily by Nixon and other Republicans to gain the Jewish vote, which he doubled for Nixon during that election (Friedman, 31) in the state of New York. Soon, the rabbi was given a post as an “advisor” to Nixon on “Jewish poverty programs,” a post which certainly made some snicker at the time, though it was clear that Nixon owed Greenwald, and the rabbi made quick use of his newfound powers. He used his power to protect the mafia’s bilking of Medicaid programs and other crimes that were never investigated by the authorities.
His post as head of the “Jewish poverty” initiative permitted him to shield those involved with such financial scams, as well as call off any and all FBI investigations of his friends. Part of the rise of Jewish mafia groups was the protection afforded it by Greenwald’s political connections.
Greenwald was also instrumental in protecting Marc Rich, a billionaire Jewish investor with mob ties. Rich, a major player in the Clinton administration, swindled investors out of billions. Nothing was done, again, though negative media treatment against Rich was permitted largely because he did do business with Iran, and thus was considered a traitor by his fellow Jews. Eventually, Clinton pardoned Rich in a much-publicized case, and Rich is now free.
Jewish mafia investors all but took over Las Vegas, also with the political protection and patronage of Greenwald. Some years back, a movie was released called Casino, starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. Concerning itself with the takeover of Las Vegas, the film depicted Mr. Rothstein (played by the Jewish DeNiro) as the suave and successful entrepreneur, and Pesci as the typical Italian wiseguy, brash and insolent. Of course, the purpose of the movie was to absolve Jewish organized crime and transfer all blame to Italian mobsters. The opposite was true.
Balagula, before taking over Jewish mafia interests in the United States, acted as a mob functionary for the KGB. In his very own words, Balagula said that the “KGB gave him visas, no problem” (Friedman, 44) and was instrumental in sending him stolen art and jewels, which he sold to foreign tourists. The KGB also set him up as head of the largest food co-op in Ukraine, a position he quickly turned into a major black market operation with the blessings of the KGB. Near the end of the Cold War, members of the KGB viewed the Jewish crime syndicate as a source of possible new jobs for them after the old system was destroyed. So, not only did they have the patronage of the American political establishment under Greenwald, but also the decaying intelligence apparatus of the USSR as well.
What needs to be kept in mind about the bootlegging operation is that it was never small time. Nothing the Jewish mob did was ever small. This operation was multinational in scope. They had a fleet of massive oil tankers, tanker trucks and hundreds of gasoline stations and distributorships, all owned by Jews loyal to the mob. Balagula had created a massive mafia empire leading from North Africa to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela to Brooklyn. The Jewish mobsters developed an infrastructure within the oil trade that made them invincible. Mafia influence is substantial in the price of oil, as well as acting as the occasional go-between between the Mossad and Arab oil-producing sheikdoms. No one of substance was ever brought to justice.
With all the power that the Jewish mob has amassed, they are merely a pimple on the back of the master of them all, and a man who truly controls much of the globe. There is no one on Earth more powerful than he, and, as per usual, he remains unknown, left out of all press and television reports on the subject. The CIA considers him a “grave threat” to global security and the “world’s most dangerous man” (Friedman). The fact that he remains almost unknown shows the power of the Zionist-controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime. He has created a massive, global communications network and employs hundreds of Ph.D.s in computer science, physics and economics to run his massive financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange in the world and controls much of the trading therein.
He was also the mastermind of the largest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, “washing” $7 billion through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice. His name is Semion Mogilevich, born in 1946.
Basing his first operations in Israel, where he fleeced Jewish refugees from Russia, Mogilevich acquired Hungarian citizenship after making the comment that the biggest problem with Israel is that there are “too many Jews there.” However, he single-handedly controls the brothels in Israel, where Ukrainian and Russian girls are forced into sexual slavery. This is legal in Israel if the girls are non-Jews. The name of Mogilevich has been left out of every report on the phenomenon in Israel, Ukraine or the United States.
Mogilevich also controls the vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe.
Most ominously, Mogilevich has bought Hungary’s armaments industry. In other words, he controls the military equipment being manufactured in Hungary. He has his own army, artillery, mechanized infantry, antiaircraft guns and missiles of all types. NATO has said that he is a “threat to the stability of Europe,” though his name remains little known. This mobster is militarily more powerful than many European countries. He has nuclear weapons from the former Warsaw Pact countries and is presently trading with various governments and providing them with nuclear technology. He has agents in the intelligence agencies of all European countries, which means that he may never be prosecuted, for he is made aware of any pending investigation into his activities, which quickly gets quashed.
German television reported that the German intelligence service, the BND, had entered into secret negotiations with Mogilevich whereby the latter would supply information on his rivals in Russia. He has a similar arrangement with French intelligence. He has close connections to the Mossad, which destroyed his criminal file (Friedman, 245-247). Therefore he is immune to prosecution and travels freely. He controls the black market from Central Europe to Russia. He has a Rockefeller connection as well, as his main economics advisor, Igor Fisherman was a consultant to Chase Manhattan Bank. Friedman writes, concerning the Fed and its relations to Mogilevich: “While the bank has not been charged with any wrongdoing, some investigators believe that the money laundering could not have taken place unless senior bank officials were bought off or otherwise involved” (259). When the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Mogilevich (which went nowhere), he accused the Department of an “antiSemitic conspiracy.”
George W. Bush’s professed mentor, Natan Sharansky, has long and deep ties to organized crime. The Congress, State Department and the CIA all have lengthy dossiers on Sharansky, who acted as a bridge between the Republican Party and Jewish thugs in a similar manner to Rabbi Greenwald. Sharansky, knowing his power, simply refused to sever his ties with organized crime, infusing the Jewish mafia into the highest echelons of the Bush administration. A pattern emerges in relation to the Republican Party: Russian Jews usually pose as “anti-Communists.” They did this partially because they had been arrested by security services for their black market activities, but also because this posture would make them valuable to Republican operatives and the Beltway “conservative movement.” Their reputations as “dissidents” protected them almost as much as their religion.
George W.’s father refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The CIA has commented that there is no “major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport.”
Because of this, George W.’s father also refused to cooperate with several investigations into Russian mob activities in Switzerland. The CIA has commented that there is no “major Russian mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport,” but the Israeli state refuses to take any action against the gangsters. Yitzhak Rabin was the one exception, and met with Mossad figures, as well as Shin Bet and Israel’s FBI, to combat organized crime, believing that it could destabilize Israel. Within a few days, he was murdered. His successor, Shimon Peres, shelved the recommendations formulated under Rabin, where they collect dust to this day.
It might be worthwhile to delve into some of the causes of this phenomenon. Why the Jews? It is true that many culture groups have engaged in ethnic based organized crime, but it seems only the Italians get frequently mentioned. Today, Chechen, Hispanic and Albanian gangs are growing in power, but none has come close to being even a footnote to the Jewish clans. Few people in the FBI, CIA or DEA speak Hebrew or Yiddish. Some Jewish mobsters go back and forth between languages, including Russian, so as to make themselves more indecipherable. The power of the Jewish gangs is wielded more ruthlessly than any other criminal gang. Jewish mobsters enjoy inflicting pain, they murder children as well as unarmed men and women. The old code of honor among Irish and Italian gangsters is nonexistent. These old-time mobsters would only kill another mobster. The Jewish gangs have no regard for these rules, and thus are more feared. The sheer arrogance of the Jewish gangsters and their outrageous self-assurance have allowed their “competition” among the Italian gangs to take a very cautious stance toward their Jewish counterparts.
The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel.
The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes, again, so long as the victims are non-Jews. The mafia proved its power in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. The Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to nonJewish countries, and, therefore, Jewish murderers can quite easily escape punishment in Israel.
The unique situation in the former USSR, and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy, provides another link in the rise of the mafia. Jews predominated in the earlier and more primitive black market in Russia, and thus these groups were physically more ready to take advantage of the crisis in Russia beginning in the mid-1980s.
Jewish organized crime, connected to both the KGB and Mossad, automatically had the skids greased to remain off the radar screen for allied intelligence agencies.
Likely the most important factor is the complete control of the media by Jewish families and the power of the ADL in American culture. The power of the Jews in America is so great that any serious investigation into Jewish crime will see shrill attacks from every major media outlet in America. In terms of public relations, it is just not worth it. Therefore, one will see a television program like The Sopranosabout Italian mobsters, but one will never see the same program featuring Jewish mobsters.
There is very little that can be done at this time. There is every reason to believe that soon, nationalists and Revisionists will be targeted by Jewish criminals with strong ties to the Mossad. The fate of the west is being decided in Moscow, not in Washington, D.C. or New York. Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to continue to centralize power in his own person. His elimination of provincial governors was meant primarily as a crime fighting campaign, as local governors were making peace with the crime bosses. Putin also needs to continue to reform the military and security services, making them more and more loyal to the new Russian order. Putin should begin publicly drawing attention to the global power of the bosses and the connivance of western powers in their rise and present prosperity.
The ruble should be made non-convertible (so as to prevent its manipulation by crime bosses in the currency markets), and a strong Sino-Slavic trading bloc needs to be solidified. Police work in Russia is now a rough business. Poorly paid policemen need to be supplemented by local militias to begin direct and militant confrontations with organized crime and corruption wherever it might arise. Putin has the popularity and the power to create a major security bloc against organized crime, as well as capitalist imperialism. Russian banks need to come under state control, and be purged of all criminal elements. Furthermore, the church, currently the second most popular institution in Russia after Putin, needs to place its powerful seal on the development of a mob-free Russia, and call on all Russians to repent and begin building a nationalist and communitarian system. Agriculture and the village commune should receive government support to repopulate the countryside, making Russia self-sufficient in food.
And, of course, Russia’s extremely important and strategic oil and natural gas reserves need to be protected by interior ministry troops and placed under government control if need be. Putin, the nationalists and the church have tremendous popularity and influence. This capital should be spent on developing a nationalist system dedicated to purging Russia of Jewish-inspired crime, imperialism, depopulation and liberalism. He is already moving in this direction, and Russian economic growth and a low inflation and unemployment rate are its fruits.
ENDNOTE: This article is based chiefly on: Robert I. Friedman, Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, 288 pages, hardcover, Little, Brown; May 1, 2000; mass market paperback publisher: Berkley Publishing Group (2002). Other books of similar interest: Russian Mafia in America: Immigration, Culture, and Crime by James O. Finckenauer; Comrade Criminal: Russia’s New Mafiya, by Stephen Handelman; Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalismby Paul Klebnikov; Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State, by David Satter.
DR. M. RAPHAELJOHNSON received his Ph.D. in political science at the University of Nebraska. He is widely published in both peerreviewed journals as well as popular journals of opinion. He is presently a college professor in Pennsylvania. He lives with his family in Chambersburg.Source:
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